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Borromean Islands Navigation

About Us

For over 20 years, our Borromean Islands Navigation Company has been a reference point for passenger transport on Lake Maggiore and to the Borromean Islands: Isola MadreIsola Pescatori and Isola Bella.
We work with passion to make our customers discover the most beautiful destinations on Lake Maggiore, offering them the possibility to know the culture on our territory, so that they can spend a holiday oriented to reality: local "beauties and flavours" and to experience them in order to become very satisfied customers.
In order to make boarding, staying on board during the excursion, cruise, aperitif on board or the required navigation service easier the company has decided to invest by restructuring and renewing its fleet. This will be enriched with additional boats thus having the ability to accommodate up to 66 passengers.
They all have comfortable spaces in order to admire the landscape, leather seats, large sliding sundecks, teak floor, Bose stereo system, air conditioning, radio, microphone and toilet.  
The motorboats of the Borromean Islands Navigation are ideal for those people, who want to move quickly and with ease. The main landing stage is in Stresa in Piazza Cadorna “Imbarcadero”, or from other coastal locations upon your requests. 

Change plays a decisive role for us: we want to offer experience, quality and professionalism.
To find out more, discover our proposals in the area dedicated to the services.
Discover the pleasure of sailing with us, you'll find professionalism and experience on board of the Borromean Islands Navigation.

Lake Maggiore Excursions – Stresa Excursions

Visite guidate per gruppi e scuole.

Sono percorsi di visita tematici in cui, accompagnati dalle nostre guide potrete conoscere le Isole BorromeeIsola Bella con il Palazzo Borromeo, la sala del Trono, la sala degli Arazzi e il Giardino terrazzato all’Italiana; l’Isola dei Pescatori, conosciuta come Isola Superiore, situata leggermente più a nord e raggiungibile dall’Isola Bella in meno di cinque minuti. Rappresenta la storia del Lago Maggiore e dei suoi pescatori che la abitano e infine, L’Isola Madre, come dice il conte Vitaliano Borromeo, proprietario delle isole “è un prezioso gioiello incastonato nelle acque del Lago Maggiore”.
Il Giardino Botanico di Villa Taranto si trova a Verbania sulla sponda Piemontese del Lago Maggiore. Giardino di 16 ettari con 20.000 piante di particolare valenza botanica ed oltre 80.000 le bulbose in fiore, mentre 15.000 sono le piante di bordura che tappezzano le numerose aiuole.
L’Eremo di Santa Caterina del Sasso Ballaro è situato sulla sponda Lombarda, senza dubbio uno degli scenari più suggestivi del Lago.
La Rocca di Angera sperone di roccia sulla sponda meridionale, fu acquistata dalla famiglia Borromeo, cui ancora oggi appartiene. Al suo interno troverete Sale Storiche impreziosite dal recente allestimento della Sala delle Maioliche e dal Museo delle Bambole.

Questo è solo l’accenno di cosa potrete visitare.

Per saperne di più visita la pagina del Lago Maggiore. Oppure scopri tutti i nostri servizi.

  • Our boats have a maximum capacity of 66 people. 
  • Dogs or other pets can be embarked and disembarked on the islands, but aren't allowed in museums and the Borromean gardens.
  • Transfers between the islands and stopping times on the islands are at discretion of each singular tourist. Normally a visit to the three islands, visiting the museums and the gardens on Isola Bella and Isola Madre and the small village on Fisher Island lasts about 4/5 hours.
  • The cost of transport doesn't include the cost of the entrance ticket to the palaces, the botanical gardens on the Borromean islands.
  • Departures happen every half hour from 9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m., the departure and transfer times for groups from one island to another are established from time to time as needed.
  • We apply discounts for groups, parties, associations and scholars. 
  • Upon request, boarding can be carried out from all coastal locations including hotel docks.
  • All our boats are provided with on-board equipment and insurance as per current law. 
  • Tickets can be purchased on site or by sending an e-mail.
  • Advance booking is recommended, we accept credit card payments. 
  • The cost of transport doesn't include the cost of the entrance ticket to the Borromean Islands.
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